
Night Before JJ’s Birthday Song

Night Before JJ’s Birthday Cocomelon Song Lyrics


La, la, la

La, da, da, dee, da

Hush little JJ, it’s time for bed

How to sleep and rest your head

La, la, la

La, da, da, dee, da

And if you can’t go to sleep

Papa’s gonna help you count some sheep

La, la, la

La, da, da, dee, da

You search for gifts all around

Mom says, go sleep safe and sound

La, la, la

La, da, da, dee, da

If you tiptoe down the stairs

Papa’s gonna carry you back up there

La, la, la

La, la, la, la, la

Ballons wait for you to sleep

Papa says, not another peep

La, la, la

La, da, da, dee, da

You birthday is special treat

Mama says, get some rest my sweet

La, la, la

La, da, da, dee, da

Though you still keep sneaking down

You’re still the sweetest little babe in town

Still the sweetest little babe in town

La, la, la, la, la

La, la, la, la, la, La, la, la, la, la

Hush little JJ, it’s time for bed

It’s almost your birthday, JJ!

Though you still keep sneaking down

You’re still the sweetest little babe in town

Still the sweetest little babe in town

La, la, la, la, la

La, la, la, la, la, La, la, la, la, la

Hush little JJ, it’s time for bed

It’s almost your birthday, JJ!

Birtday Song JJ Cocomelon Nursery Rhymes

Night Before JJ’s Birthday Song is an American song first published in 1939. Originally, the song was written by Clarence Kelley to help students master the “Waltz Clog” tap dance routine. Nursery Rhymes Lyrics

The song and the accompanying moves proved to be very popular and the song made its way to households in the UK and Canada soon after. The accompanying motions to I’m a PlayGround Cocomelon Song will be described in the lyrics below.




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