
To keep newborns away from jaundice, pregnant women should eat these types of food more during pregnancy – Currently, almost the majority of newborns experience jaundice after birth, which is also a cause for concern among many expectant mothers. In fact, the occurrence of jaundice in newborns is a very normal phenomenon and is generally divided into two types: pathological jaundice and physiological jaundice. Physiological jaundice typically subsides on its own within the first half month after birth, and this type of jaundice does not adversely affect the newborn. Therefore, mothers don’t need to worry about it.

But if it is pathological jaundice, the newborn will suffer. Within the first 24 hours after birth, the color of jaundice will continuously deepen, and symptoms such as fever and vomiting may occur.

However, jaundice in babies is not entirely unavoidable. Expectant mothers should take note that by consuming these types of food during pregnancy, they can help prevent jaundice in their babies:

The main cause of jaundice in newborns is internal damp-heat. Drinking jujube (red date) water during pregnancy can not only eliminate fetal toxins but also prevent newborn jaundice. Jujube has the effect of nourishing blood and enhancing qi.

If the symptoms of damp-heat in the mother’s body, such as blood and qi, are alleviated during pregnancy, the likelihood of jaundice in the baby will be significantly reduced. Additionally, consuming jujube during pregnancy is beneficial for the intellectual development of the fetus.

Corn silk is commonly used in folk medicine as a detoxifying food. Corn silk contains a large amount of nutrients and is beneficial for reducing the swelling that may occur in expectant mothers during pregnancy. It can also to some extent reduce the burden on the heart, which is advantageous for pregnant women.

Therefore, in the late stages of pregnancy, family members can regularly prepare corn silk water for the expectant mother to drink, as it can help clear fetal toxins and benefit the newborn.

More: How to determine if a newborn has eaten enough? 5 assessment methods summarized by a second-time mom.

During pregnancy, it is beneficial to regularly consume congee cooked with Tremella fungus, as the natural gelatinous substance inside Tremella can help pregnant women reduce stretch marks, improve skin condition, and promote the development of the baby’s intelligence. Additionally, adding some lotus seeds to the congee is advantageous for the baby’s intellectual development and bone formation. This approach also helps eliminate edema, ensuring that the baby will have good skin after birth.

Goose eggs contain rich protein, which is advantageous for supplementing the nutritional needs of pregnant women. Therefore, pregnant women can eat some goose eggs during pregnancy to enhance nutrition and promote fetal development. However, it is important to remember not to consume them excessively.

To prevent the occurrence of jaundice in newborns, pregnant women must pay attention to their diet during pregnancy. It is crucial to avoid consuming spicy and heat-inducing foods, as an excessive internal heat can lead to the accumulation of fetal toxins, resulting in jaundice in the baby after birth. Therefore, for the sake of the baby’s health, pregnant women should exercise restraint and refrain from consuming such foods during pregnancy.

Do you know of any other foods that can prevent jaundice in newborns? Feel free to leave comments below to share your insights!

More: Mom and Baby

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