
Three common physiological phenomena in newborns, many parents are unaware of, especially the third one – Many parents, when their child is just born, find it difficult to accept their own child. One may be handsome and dashing, and the other beautiful and graceful, so how could they give birth to a child that looks so unattractive?

  1. Seed Preparation Period:
  2. Seed Rooting:

Implanting in the uterus, at this point, the mother does not feel anything. If implantation is unsuccessful at this stage, for the mother, it simply means a few days’ delay in menstruation and a slightly larger amount of menstrual flow.

  1. Seed Growth:

If the seed quality is poor, such as embryo abnormalities or chromosomal abnormalities, it is easy to result in a miscarriage before 12 weeks of pregnancy.

  1. Seed Growing into Sapling:

When there is no more space to grow in the uterus, the baby turns its head down to become headfirst. When the baby feels the desire to come out and see the world, it uses its head to squeeze through the mother’s birth canal.

More: Newborns often startle and jump while sleeping, parents don’t need to worry. The reason is here.

During the process of pushing through the birth canal in a vaginal delivery, both the mother and the baby exert effort, and both parties make sacrifices. In the case of a cesarean section, all the pain is borne by the mother.

During a vaginal delivery, the mother may feel pain, and sometimes if the baby’s head is too large and doesn’t easily pass through the mother’s birth canal, it can lead to tears in the birth canal or the need for an episiotomy.

The baby, using its head to push through the birth canal, also incurs injuries.

  1. Head Deformation:

This is mainly due to birth injuries in newborns. Especially in babies born through vaginal delivery, the head can become somewhat conical in shape due to the compression of the birth canal. You can tell whether a newborn was born through vaginal or cesarean delivery by looking at the shape of the head—round heads are more common in cesarean births, while pointed heads are generally indicative of vaginal births.

Not only does the shape of the skull change, but the compression can also lead to the rupture of blood vessels in the baby’s head, causing newborn cephalohematoma. This appears as a raised area on the baby’s head, similar to a bruise we might get from a bump. Such swelling is brought about during fetal development, and while it resolves quickly in some babies, in others, it may take longer, with some infants not experiencing resolution until almost a year old.

  1. Skin-related Issues in Newborns

Some newborns have a white layer of vernix on their skin when they are born, which may look dirty. This vernix is a substance the baby produces in the mother’s womb to protect itself from amniotic fluid corrosion. It usually disappears after a few days.

Peeling of the skin on the palms and soles of a newborn within the first few days is a normal physiological phenomenon and generally resolves on its own after peeling.

Parents can also use some moisturizing oil and gently apply it to the baby’s skin.

The baby’s skin is delicate, with rich subcutaneous blood vessels and an underdeveloped stratum corneum, making it more sensitive to environmental stimuli or small substances in breast milk. This sensitivity can lead to skin reactions, causing red patches on the skin. Newborn erythema is a transient physiological phenomenon in newborns and does not harm the baby.

Approximately 40% of newborns may develop tiny, non-prominent white bumps on their faces, resembling pinheads. This is mainly caused by the blockage of the baby’s sweat glands and sebaceous glands. As the baby’s glands mature, these bumps tend to gradually improve.

The baby’s weak immune system and high sensitivity are significant factors, influenced by both the environment and diet. Some children may experience recurrent episodes. Applying moisturizing cream for skin protection can have a certain effect. In more severe cases, the use of corticosteroid creams may be necessary.

Some children may have black Mongolian spots or birthmarks on their skin, creating a colorful appearance on the baby’s face.

  1. Pseudo-development due to the influence of maternal hormones

While in the mother’s womb, the baby is exposed to a large amount of estrogen and progesterone, which the mother secretes to protect the baby. After the baby is born and separated from the mother, this hormone supply stops.

As a result, pseudo-development occurs, more commonly observed in girls. For example, swelling of the breasts resembling breast development may occur around one week after birth. Typically, this swelling gradually subsides and returns to its original state within ten days to two weeks.

Some baby girls may experience a small amount of vaginal bleeding, similar to menstruation, around one week after birth. The bleeding is usually not substantial and lasts for about two days.

These seemingly abnormal but actually normal situations do not require parents to take special measures. Sometimes, unnecessary interventions by parents may lead to infections in the baby or worsen the situation. Generally, these conditions tend to naturally fade away over time.

Did your baby exhibit any symptoms at birth?

More: Mom and Baby

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